Top 5 Stress Busters to Add to Your Life

Stress is a big part of day-to-day life for many of us and it can be pretty much impossible to avoid it completely. You may not be able to change this but you can switch up the way that you respond to stress. Make these 5 stress busters a key part of your life!  Breathe…

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How to Reset Your Body’s Circadian Rhythm

Ever feel like your body clock is out of whack? Resetting your circadian rhythm is super important for getting it back in line. Not familiar with your circadian rhythm? It lets your body know when it’s time to go to sleep and wake up. If your body’s circadian rhythm is out of sync, it can…

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What Your Food Cravings Are Really Telling You

Ever find yourself having incredibly strong cravings for a certain type of food? Well, according to scientific research, it could be your body’s way of telling you that you’re lacking in a specific nutrient.   Genuine hunger is triggered by the stomach and if you’re hungry enough, it’s likely you’d eat pretty much anything. Cravings though,…

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7 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Mindset

Your mindset is super important for personal growth and self acceptance, especially if yours tends to be a negative one. If you’re stuck in a fixed negative state of mind, it can be difficult to recognize when you would benefit from changing your mindset, even when the signs are staring you in the face. Feel…

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The Gut-Brain-Immune Connection

Ever felt butterflies in your tummy when you’re nervous or suffered from digestive problems during periods of stress and anxiety? This is a sign of the link between the gut and the brain, which we’re only just starting to learn more about.   According to research, your brain and your gut are very interlinked and can…

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What Not to Eat On an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Chronic inflammation can have a whole heap of health effects and can make you more likely to develop a ton of health conditions. Lots of foods can contribute to this and you’ll definitely want to avoid them! The effects of anti-inflammatory foods can be hugely negated if you’re also consuming plenty of inflammatory foods. Here…

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